2013 Phantom of the opera

Shasta High’s 44th Annual Musical


Shasta High Adds 'Phantom' to Impressive List of Spring Musicals
By Jon Lewis, Special to Record Searchlight
Published April 2013

Shasta High's "Phantom of the Opera" is such a massive undertaking, even the venue?the stately David Marr Auditorium?has gotten into the act.

Gavin Spencer, the musical's director, said one of the many challenges posed by the production was ensuring the 86-year-old theater had the wherewithal to handle a hefty chandelier that crashes on stage.

"You wouldn't believe the effort it took. We had several engineers in to make sure the building was sound, we had a special flying company come in to inspect it and we got approval from everyone. It will be a spectacular effect," Spencer said.

The rights to "Phantom" just became available to high schools and colleges last year and Spencer jumped at the chance to add the title to Shasta High's glittering resume of spring musicals.

"This is the most challenging show we've ever done here, by far. Every aspect of it is more difficult than any part of any other show," Spencer said. "The music, special effects, makeup, costumes, wigs?it's absolutely huge, and expensive I might add

"It's kind of a dream for any director, actor or instrumentalist to be a part of this show."

Sharing in that dream is Spencer's daughter, Amber Spencer, who landed the role of Christine Daae. "It was a tough decision," Spencer said of casting the senior. "We've got other kids who can sing. We had an audition committee of eight people. I kept myself out of it. I wanted it to be earned."

Zachary Davis, a junior who played Nicely Johnson in last year's "Guys and Dolls," plays the role of the Phantom and Joshua Snel has been cast as Raoul, the Vicomte de Chagny. Lou Polcari directs the 23-member orchestra.

Costumes again fell under Rita Simpson's dominion. "She's been with me 11 years, and she has gone above and beyond. These costumes are fantastic," Spencer said. Diane Elrick and Diedre Maline handled set design with help from Bob Shaw, the head of construction.